The idea for the M.A. EYS goes back to the early 1990s, when the field of European youth studies first took shape in what was then called the ‘new Europe’. Rapid, complex and momentous political, social and economic change throughout the region posed policy and practice in the youth field with new issues and challenges. At the same time, non-formal youth education and youth work found themselves faced with new and expanded roles as exchange programmes and highly diverse forms of migration and mobility.

The M.A. European Youth Studies (M.A. EYS) Project 2009-11 is funded by the Socrates-Erasmus chapter of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme and supported by the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Youth and Sport and the Youth Partnership.

The M.A. European Youth Studies (M.A. EYS) degree course aims to set the quality reference point and benchmark for improving and sustaining the development of European youth research as a specialist field of education and scholarship that is able and willing to inform more intelligent, knowledge-driven policymaking and can contribute to high quality, evidence-based practice in the youth sector.

Between January and March 2011, the project will be running a short course at the Council of Europe’s European Youth Centre Budapest (EYCB), using exemplary curriculum content and methods of the future M.A. EYS degree programme.

The short course, which can accept up to 30 participants, has three phases:

Phase 1 (online) :: preparatory online learning and engagement :: 11 January to 10 February 2011
Phase 2 (residential) :: seminar at the EYC Budapest :: 10—16 February 2011 (arrival and departure included)
Phase 3 (online) :: follow-up online learning and engagement :: 17 February to 11 March 2011

Information about the MA available at: MA in European Youth Studies Link

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