Selecție participanți – Schimb de tineri – Slovenia
Asociația Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitară Durabilă recrutează 5 participanți pentru schimbul de tineri e-Nature! – Proiectul este implementat de asociația din Kamnik, Kotlovnica – e-Nature și va avea loc intre 10-19 iunie.
Participanți: Slovenia, Romania, Lituania, Bulgaria, Spania, Estonia.
Profilul participanților: Vârsta 18-25 de ani, interesați de probleme de mediu Numarul participanților în grup: 4+1..
Costuri: se va rambursa 70% din totalul costului pentru transport în limita a 420 Euro valabil pentru România.
Cazarea: corturi într-o zona de campare, special amenajată. Fiecare grup participant trebuie sa aduca minim 3 corturi și saci de dormit.
Masa: asigurată de organizatori pentru micul dejun și prânz. Pentru cină, fiecare țară participantă va pregati mâncare tradițională. Gătitul cinei specifice fiecărei țări face parte din seara culturală.
eNature: The multilateral youth exchange “e-Nature” is a project within the Youth in Action program which promotes healthy lifestyle and living in nature which is changing every day. Through the ecology we will try to connect past with present and future as well and local and global aspects, which goes hand in hand with man and nature-friendly and healthy lifestyle. The main purpose is to spread awareness about environmental concerns while personally making an impact. Many of the items regular people use every day can be improved to be reusable and reduce waste. For instance, participants will try to make homemade “eco sculptures” with collected materials from surrounding area. We are planning excursions around the mountains and forest to collect data about current environmental worries and to enjoy place with fresh mountain air. The nice summer weather will be used as an opportunity to bike short distances, rather than taking the car. Trips to the town and other surrounding places will be part of activities. We will include many experts in the project, which will prepare workshops, lectures and tips to teach the next generation about sustainability and green living.
By the end of project and after, participants will present their awareness on most innovative way they can provide. Perhaps the best way to spread awareness is to take advantage of all the social networking sites which are so prevalent today. Through mediums as simple as a Facebook status, hundreds of people can take note of what others are doing and be inspired to participate as well in future projects.
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