ROMALES Training Course

Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitară Durabilă - CDCD implementează în perioada 13-19 iulie 2012 cursul de formare ROMALES. ROMALES are ca scop formarea unui grup de 22 de lucrători și lideri de tineret din Slovenia, Lituania, Bulgaria, Turcia, Republica Moldova, Bosnia Herțegovina, Croația și România în utilizarea metodelor și tehnicilor de educație non-formală, metode ce au ca scop promovarea managementului diversității. Cursul de formare este finanțat de Fundația Europeană de Tineret...

VISA Declaration

We the people from 6 countries, Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Spain, Moldova and Romania, reunited in Sacelu, Targu-Jiu, declare with honour: ■That every human has the right to freedom of movement. ■Visa is a violation of human rights as long as it is a form of discrimination according to the origin of the people. ■The passport should be the only neccessary document for travelling in the world. ■National authorities have the...

VISA Flashmob

Saturday, 14th of July 2012, the 30 participants from Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain and Azerbaijan are organizing the Flashmob dedicated to promoting European citizenship in Sacelu! The event has as aim promoting the importance of youth participation in promoting European citizenship. The Flashmob is one of the main activities within the youth exchange VISA granted through Youth in Action Programme - Action 3.1 A. You gotta be a part...