Good Practice: ensuring diversity of faith backgrounds at the residential; ensure gender inclusive and sensitive practice that takes account of faith sensibilities; ensuring dietary, devotional and dress practice all catered for.

Interfaith Scotland hosted an Interfaith Residential for young People (aged 16-26).  In the preparation for the Interfaith Youth Residential Interfaith Scotland established a working partnership with an innovative organisation Dare2lead which works to develop leadership skills in young people.  A freelance youth worker was hired to ensure that all the planning and delivery of the youth residential was relevant to young people and the programme included sessions on how to be a leader of positive change within the young person’s community setting, whether that be school, the work place, a faith community setting or youth club.  The young people at the residential were given the space to explore how to establish a National Interfaith Forum and to outline what they would envisage that Interfaith Youth Forum doing.  The group of 20 young leaders from very diverse backgrounds (including Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Baha’i and non-religious) are continuing to meet and to plan events that are relevant and inclusive for young people from all faiths (and none).

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