Good Practice: Youth-led planning and hosting with support from a national organisation; inclusive approach including providing appropriate food, prayer space and language; youth-led topics that are challenging and engaging; critical post-conference evaluation and on-going partnership working (not one off)

Interfaith Scotland worked closely with a youth led forum from the University of St. Andrews to host a National Interfaith Youth Conference.  The youth led group are called the Co-Existence Team and Interfaith Scotland held regular meetings with the team throughout 2017 to plan for an April 2018 conference. The staff of Interfaith Scotland ensured that every aspect of the conference was youth led, from the topic (Radicalisation to Reconciliation) to the speakers, venue, advertising (including social media) and post conference evaluation.  The conference was so successful that a continuing working relationship has been developed with the St. Andrews University Co-existence team.  Over 100 young people attended the conference from very diverse faiths and cultural backgrounds.

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