Participatory equality planning processes in youth work

RKI provides trainings and guidance on equality planning for youth workers in Finland. Youth work is a space where all young people should be respected, safe and have possibilities to learn. It is crucial that youth work is open for all and place where a young person feels seen and heard. Making a participatory equality plan helps a youth work provider (e.g. youth department of municipality or youth organization) have...

Transforming hate speech

The project proposes a different approach of inclusion, empowering young people from vulnerable backgrounds to be trainers and educators on hate speech. The project is being implemented in cooperation with five European non-governmental organizations from Finland, Portugal, Ireland, Slovenia and Scotland, offering to youth workers a carefully prepared and in practice tested tools for alternative responding to hate speech in the processes of youth work and non-formal education. The project...

Here we are! We act together

Here we are! We act together got a national award for best practice of bringing the minority group and decision makers together. Also a very good research of the state of young people from LGBTQI+ community (700 participants) was conducted. The project is a structured dialogue project for all LGBTIQ+ young people between the age of 16 and 30. Structured dialogue is an instrument that allows young people to directly...

Culture of humiliation

The project Culture of Humiliation  created from the daily experience of young person being humiliated due to his sexual orientation, using art as a methodology, upgraded with a workshop for young people. The project consists of two parts: online campaigns and exhibitions, accompanied by interactive workshops. The main goal of the project is to raise awareness about the causes and consequences of peer violence online and offline, experienced by young people...