CDCD recrutează 3 participanți pentru un curs de formare în Letonia – 1-10 iunie 2019! Căutăm 3 lucrători de tineret dornici să învețe cum să lucreze cu grupurile cu abilități multiple (mixed abilities groups)!

The aim of the project is to empower youth with disabilities and fewer opportunities to involve into social processes in local realities, including education and employment. During the training course youth workers will

(1) experience improvisation as a method to develop self-confidence as a youth worker,

(2) develop improvisation skills,

(3) learn how to use and apply improvisation tools while working with young adults to improve self-confidence, support learning and cooperation in teams, and release the creativity of youth,

(4) prepare themselves to be working with mixed-ability groups,

(5) develop a better understanding on such concepts as: disability, inclusion and accessibility,

(6) exchange god practice and

(7) work on the concept of inclusive youth work by developing an audiovisual material, which can be used in daily work.

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