Upgrade Yourself: Soft Skills – 21-28 iunie 2019, Lituania

The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Upgrade Yourself: Soft Skills" will bring 36 young people from Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Italy and Romania to Daugirdiskes Training Center, Lithuania from 21st to 28th of June, 2019. We all gained some skills from schools, past jobs, volunteering in organisations, responsibilities, life experiences and interests. Most of young people may even have some hidden skills, which could be added to their CV, when it is...

Mobile Youth Work – Shaping European Practices, 2019-2020

În perioada mai 2019-octombrie 2020, învățăm noi tehnici de lucru cu tinerii! 'Mobile youth work practices: shaping European practices' este co-finanțat de Comisia Europeana, programul Erasmus+, Acțiunea Cheie 2 - Parteneriate Strategice în domeniul tineretului. Mai multe informații despre proiect sunt disponibile aici: Mobile youth work.