VISA – The Movie

VISA had been a youth exchange granted through Youth in Action - Action 3.1 and had been implemented in July 9 to 16 in Sacelu, Romania. 30 youngsters from 6 countries - Spain, Moldova, Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Romania had been promoting working on promoting European citizenship to their peers. The movie at the end of the 8 working days is available here:
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Sesiune diseminare VISA

Sâmbătă, 21 iulie, voluntarii CDCD implicați în organizarea și implementarea schimbului de tineri VISA au organizat la sediul CDCD, din comuna Giubega sesiunea de diseminare a rezutatelor schimbului de tineri VISA. Schimbul de tineri a fost finanțat prin programul Tineret în Acțiune- Acțiunea 3.1 A și a avut ca scop promovarea cetățeniei europene. În cadrul acestei sesiuni de diseminare, voluntarii CDCD au prezentat atât materialele produse în timpul schimbului -...

VISA Declaration

We the people from 6 countries, Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Spain, Moldova and Romania, reunited in Sacelu, Targu-Jiu, declare with honour: ■That every human has the right to freedom of movement. ■Visa is a violation of human rights as long as it is a form of discrimination according to the origin of the people. ■The passport should be the only neccessary document for travelling in the world. ■National authorities have the...

VISA Flashmob

Saturday, 14th of July 2012, the 30 participants from Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain and Azerbaijan are organizing the Flashmob dedicated to promoting European citizenship in Sacelu! The event has as aim promoting the importance of youth participation in promoting European citizenship. The Flashmob is one of the main activities within the youth exchange VISA granted through Youth in Action Programme - Action 3.1 A. You gotta be a part...

Join us for the flashmob!

Join us and let's promote European Citizenship! Where?: In Sacelu (La Piscina)! When?: July 16, at 4PM visa flyer Sacelu
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Let VISA begin!

Let VISA begin! Tomorrow, July 9th, we're starting VISA experience! For 8 days, 30 youngsters from Bulgaria, Turkey, Republic of Moldova, Spain, Azerbaijan and Romania will be debating upon the role youth should have in promoting European citizenship! For 8 days, using non-formal education tools and methodologies, we will be involved with activities that have as aim promoting the intercultural dialogue and active youth participation! VISA is a youth exchange...